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더 지난 이야기/용섭이의 요즘이야기

At the new place


Here we are!

The name of the new place is "GGURO.COM".
GGURO is named after a Korean word "GEO-GGU-RO" which means 'upside down'. By the name, I want to say that I am not just flowing on the flow of the trend. For you maybe GGURO means nothing but anyway it is easy to remember. So it's good.

There's nothing changed inside. Don't make too much effort to find something new. ^^

'더 지난 이야기 > 용섭이의 요즘이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

회원가입을 받습니다.  (4) 2003.07.12
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새로 옮긴 집  (3) 2003.07.11
la rue d'Alger  (2) 2003.07.02
Le semestre est fini.  (0) 2003.06.23