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더 지난 이야기/용섭이의 요즘이야기

I go to Busan

I go to Busan this Saturday.

There is a wedding party of one friend. She and I have met on a mission trip to Mongolia. We are in the same team, and we have really good memories of that time. It's was three years ago.

Busan is far from Daejeon where I live. But I go there without any hesitation because I really want to congratulate her marriage.

'더 지난 이야기 > 용섭이의 요즘이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

친구의 결혼식  (6) 2003.05.12
부산에 갑니다.  (2) 2003.05.02
Je vais au Busan  (0) 2003.05.02
J'ai un nouveau banner.  (0) 2003.04.21
I have a new banner  (0) 2003.04.21